
 My Final Thoughts...

    The past several weeks have been an educational journey. I have learned so much about technology in the classroom and how to better service all my students. Technology in education is a must. We are living in a technological world and it is our job as teachers to incorporate and teach the benefits of technology. Before taking this course, I was an advocate for technology in education and now that advocacy has just grown. I know there are teachers who are against giving technology a try and that is such a shame. Technology enhances our teaching ability and is the future. We are teaching the future generations who are going to be in charge and I am confident that with the help of technology, they will be more successful than ever before. 
    To my surprise, one of my favorite tools I have used this course that I plan on implementing into my classroom is this current platform, Blogger. I think Blogger allows for creativity, discussion between classmates and the ability to freely write. I am a math teacher and I have been searching for a way to incorporate more writing and expression into the class. I think blogging is the perfect solution. About 85% of my students are English Learners (ELs) so this is a great way for them to practice their English, along with their grammar. I love that it offers the ability to respond to classmates as well. 
    Furthermore, the topic that stood out to me most this course was active learning. As a teacher, I have made it a goal of mine to have the most active learning as I can in my classroom. I was in the same seats as my students not too long ago, so I can relate to what is going through their minds. "This class is boring." "I do not want to just sit here the entire time." "When am I ever going to actually use this?" I have said or thought all of these things myself. Now I am on the other side and can change these thoughts and statements. With active learning, I can raise the engagement, enhance comprehension, and use individualized learning. Math can be challenging for students so the more hands-on activities and interactive activities, the better! I can make my class a room where students want to learn!

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    About 7 weeks ago, on my first blog post, I posted the GIF above. Today, I feel the same way! Now that I have the knowledge I am ready to apply it! Let's do this! With it still being early in the school year, I have a lot of opportunities and space to incorporate the new technological things I have learned. I feel good about the information I have been studying and am ready to implement it into my classroom.  


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