Personal Learning Network Assignment- Twitter

Personal Learning Network- Twitter

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    One education resource I found on Twitter is the work and publications done by Dr. Jackie Murawska. Her Twitter handle is @murawskamath. I recommend giving her a follow! Murawska is the former president of Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM) and is now a STEM coach who has her own website where she offers her resources and publications. Click HERE for her website. On this website, there are different techniques and strategies that can be used in the classroom. She has done presentations all over the world about productive struggle, math skills and critical thinking problems to get the entire class engaged. One of my favorite problems she talks about is called, "The Seven Billion People Problem." When solving this problem with the class she discusses how to promote productive struggle and implementing a plan. This type of problem relates to real world scenarios and gets everyone thinking conceptually. 

Below is a screenshot of a myself participating in a Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) on Twitter.

Image Source: Author

    Professional Learning Networks live on Twitter are a valuable experience and can be a learning tool for everyone. One thing that I find I admire most about PLNs are they shine a positive light on social media. I know social media, Twitter particularly, can be a place for cyberbullying and posting negative comments. But, in these live chats, there are so many educational resources offered and it is a great tool to find out what is going on currently in the educational world. The Twitter chats lets you have real-time interaction. This way questions can have immediate feedback and you can provide feedback right on the spot. Furthermore, Twitter chats let you connect with people everywhere. You can find collaborators and mentors to work with. This global reach allows you to get different perspectives and utilize that knowledge to expand what lesson you are teaching in the classroom. Finally, I really like how the live chats are categorized to certain topics. Different hashtags relate to the different live chats taking place. Therefore, you know exactly what is going to be discussed or not. The topics of the hashtags range from anything and everything. In the PLN I participated in, the main topic of discussion revolved around identifying specific higher-order thinking skills that contribute to achieving more advanced and meaningful learning outcomes. Participants and I shared insights and examples related to skills such as critical thinking, creative thinking, problem-solving, and metacognition, explaining how these cognitive abilities lead to deeper understanding, improved problem-solving, and overall enhanced academic performance. The chat emphasized the importance of fostering these skills in educational settings to help students excel in their learning journeys. It was very neat to hear from other educators and their opinions on how to allow all students to reach their highest ability. 


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