Mapping Your Digital Space

My Digital Mapping 

   Let's talk about technology... Nowadays, our lives revolve around technology. Our daily routines are shaped by professional and personal digital platforms. Below, I created my own mapping of my digital space. This gives me a clearer perspective on how and where I spend my time on the internet. This digital space consists of the following quadrants: professional, personal, visitor and residential. Professional is used more so for work related events and personal is used for your own recreational purposes. Then, visitors pertains to those who use the digital platform as a tool, instead of socially. On the other hand, resident, is those who use the digital platform for socializing and create a community with others online. 

Image Source: Author

    Looking at my digital map above, I was not shocked to see which platforms landed in each quadrant. I am someone who has a strict routine and follows the same schedule everyday. With that being said, I repeat my actions on the internet. When I am at work, teaching, I am consistently using PowerSchool, Desmos and GeoGebra. These are just some of the digital platforms you can find in the quadrant that pertain to "professional visitor." These are all work and no play websites for myself. But, then there are websites like Google Classroom or Google Drive that I use professionally, but I consider myself more of a resident. I communicate with my students and co-workers through these platforms. 
    Furthermore, my personal digital platforms are used just about every day of the week. In my "personal visitor" quadrant, I have a lot of streaming sites and bank apps, like Netflix and Chase. I use these for my own needs, but treat them more as a tool to fulfill a need and not for socializing. Then, I have my "personal resident" quadrant where I spend A LOT of my free time. Here, you can find apps such as Snapchat and TikTok. My digital status for sure changes given the time. During the weekdays, I use more of my professional platforms and on the weekends I use my personal. Even the time of day alters my use, in the morning and afternoons is when I have a spike in professional platform use and the evenings are when work is over and I can use my personal platforms.
     My most frequent used app is hands down Snapchat. I have a "streak" of 2,348 days. In case you are not a math teacher like me, that is over 6.5 years of sending a snapchat to the same person every single day. I probably could not even keep track of tallying how many times I use it in a day. Although social media, like Snapchat, has its cons, it is also a wonderful way to keep in touch with people. This over 6.5  year "streak" I have is with my brother, who I do not live, and do not get to see all the time, so this allows us to communicate in a way every single day. Overall, my digital mapping is a reminder to myself on how I should be spending my time when it comes to the internet. As much as a I love being on the internet, I need to focus on living in the present and not behind a screen. 

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  1. Hello, Maggie! Wow! That is an impressive snapchat streak. You don't see those too often nowadays. I love the concept of Snapchat because it allows people to stay connected from around the country, world, etc. in one of the easiest ways possible. Regardless of what type of snapchat you're sending to keep that streak alive, it forces the line of communication to stay open.

  2. Hi Maggie! First of all, I have never even HEARD of a snapchat streak being that large! Kudos to the both of you for that type of dedication!! We have similar apps in the same quadrants. I like how you said, "As much as a I love being on the internet, I need to focus on living in the present and not behind a screen." I totally agree with you on that. I find myself spending a lot of time scrolling instead of living in the moment and experiencing life in front of my eyes. Its hard with this day and age for sure!

  3. I have a Snap streak with my daughter that is over 1,300 days! It's a great way to stay connected.

  4. Hello Maggie, you have an extensive snapchat streak. When I saw your number, I immediately asked my boyfriend about his biggest snapchat streak. His response: "whoa, that's a-lot. She has a hundred more than me!" His record are 2,230 with his college friend and 2,076 with his high school friend. Although he sees his college friend every week, they keep the streak to keep in touch and talk about their daily activities. He uses Snapchat to communicate with his high school friend because they do not meet that often. Because of his friend's medical conditions, Snapchat is the easiest and safest way to visually communicate.

    I also use my professional platforms alot on the week day and my personal ones on the weekend. This habit was a choice because I do not like to do any professional work outside of my work hours.

  5. Hi Maggie! I like how you discussed how your technology use changes based on the day of the week. Similar to you, I find myself on apps such as TikTok and Instagram much more on the weekend than during the work week. The same goes for Apps like Google Drive, Gmail, etc. I am using those Apps much more during the work week than I am on the weekend. Another part of your post that caught my eye was your Snapchat streak! I have not had a Snapchat streak in such a long time. I used to have some that were pretty long, but I have definitely not had one as long as yours. That is impressive! It is great you are able to communicate with your brother in that way.


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